Parameter Explanation YEAR Year spelled out YYYY 4 digits of year YYY 3 digits of year YY 2 digits of year Y 1 digit of year IYYY 4digits year based on the ISO standard IYY 3 digits of ISO year IY 2 digits of ISO year I 1 digit of ISO year Q Quarter of year (1 .. 4) MM Month (01 ..12) MON Abbreviated name of month MONTH Name of month, padded with blanks to length of 9 characters. RM Roman numeral month (I .. XII) WW Week of year (1-53) where 7 days 1 week (与星期几无关) W Week of month (1-5) where 7 days 1 week (与星期几无关) IW Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the ISO standard. (周一到周日为一周,若1日为周五-周日,则为上年最后一周) D Day of week (周日1 .. 周六7) DY Abbreviated name of day. DAY Name of day DD Day of month (1-31) DDTH Day of month (1-31) DDD Day of year (1-366) J Julian day;the number of days since January 1, 4712 BC. HH Hour of day (1-12). HH12 Hour of day (1-12). HH24 Hour of day (0-23). MI Minute (0-59). SS Second (0-59). SSSSS Seconds past midnight (0-86399). FF Fractional seconds. XXXXX 转换为8进制 to_char(1210.73, '9999.9') would return '1210.7' to_char(1210.73, '9,999.99') would return '1,210.73' to_char(1210.73, '$9,999.00') would return '$1,210.73' to_char(21, '000099') would return '000021' to_char(21, '999999') would return ' 21' to_char(21, 'FM999999') would return '21' to_char(sysdate, 'FMYYY') would return '8' --FM表示去掉0或空格 to_char(125, 'XXXXX') would return '7D' to_number('7D','XXXXX') would return '125' trunc原意为截取数据小数部分,例如: trunc(23.48429387) 返回23 trunc(23.48429387,3) 返回23.484 trunc(-1.443432) 返回-1 但trunc(date) 具有与to_char(date) 相似的功能,但有区别: trunc(sysdate,'cc') 取当世纪的第一天 to_char(sysdate,'cc') 取当世纪数值 trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') 取当年的第一天 to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') 取当年数值 trunc(sysdate,'iyyy') 取上年的最后一天 to_char(sysdate,'iyyy') 取当年数值 trunc(sysdate,'q') 取当季第一天 to_char(sysdate,'iyyy') 取当季数值 trunc(sysdate,'mm') 取当月第一天 to_char(sysdate,'mm') 取当月数值 trunc(sysdate,'ww') 取当周第一天(周二) to_char(sysdate,'ww') 取当周数值(第几周) trunc(sysdate,'iw') 取当周第一天(周一) to_char(sysdate,'iw') 取当周数值(第几周)